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Some of our video and blog post library….

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Estate Planning for Separating Couples in Western Australia.

Our questions today were:

1. What happens to property held as joint tenants but one party dies before/after the divorce? (0:32)

2. What happens to property held as joint tenants but the couple is separated or divorced? (1:42)

3. My assets are in a family trust, are they safe from my ex? (3:40)

4. I had my spouse as my executor, my kids are too young and now we’re separated. I don’t know who to appoint as my executor now. What are the options? (5:22)

5. I’m in the process of separating from my spouse? What do I need to do? (6:47)

Essential Employment Law Q and A

Our questions today were:

1. I have an underperforming employee, how do I fire them without getting sued? (0:42)

2. My employer hasn’t paid me correctly, what can I do about it? (2:07)

3. I am ready to hire my first staff member. What do I need to know? (3:30)

4. (a) If you have working from home approved, can this be rescinded? (b) If WFH is rescinded, can you claim the costs of setting up the home office from the employer? (4:53)

5. I’ve been working as an independent contractor for the one employer for the last 7 years, can I claim to be an employee? (6:16)

6. I’m going for a job interview, what questions should I ask the employer? (7:46)

7. Am I being overly sensitive or am I being bullied? (11:02)

Your Will
Lady Gee Lady Gee

Your Will

A well thought out estate plan is the best gift you can leave your loved ones

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