
It should go without saying but I’ll say it anyway…

The information and content on this website, and our social media pages, is general in nature, is not legal advice, is not a substitute for legal advice and must not be relied upon.

We love sharing and contributing to public legal education at Sunstone Legal but it is information only, not legal advice. It also does not create a lawyer/client relationship or any other professional relationship between us.

We also do our best to keep it up to date and relevant but we can’t (and don’t) make any promises to keep it up to date.

Even if the scenarios we talk about sound the same to yours, it’s not the same. If it were that easy we’d be out of a job. So just trust me when I say, and stress, that general legal information is not the same as personalised bespoke legal advice.

So there you have it, you’ve been warned, but seriously getting legal advice is super easy just contact us.

When you get in contact with us and request we act for you as your lawyer, we will undertake a conflict check and where appropriate provide you with our costs agreement for your review and approval.